Popart, Psycho, Film, Kill, Puppe, De feo killings


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    In court he testified to being possessed by Satan whom he blamed for the murders. The house itself, located in Amityville, New York, was believed to be under demonic attack. When the new owners of the house started seeing signs of demonic possession, they fled the house in complete terror and fear, never to return to it again. Later, it all turned out to be a publicity seeking hoax.

    The house was rumored to have been torn down, but it was just a remodelling project. The most recent owners, a family of five, are very happy in the house and have not experienced any paranormal activity. On a lighter note, the DeFeo murders and its subsequent haunting became part of pop culture with the brilliant "Amityville Horror" film series.

    Controversies surrounding the case

    All six of the victims were found lying face down in their beds with no signs of a struggle or sedatives having been administered, leading to speculation that someone in the house should have been awakened by the noise of the gunshots. Neighbors did not report hearing any gunshots being fired. The police investigation concluded that the victims had been asleep at the time of the murders, and that the rifle had not been fitted with a suppressor. Police officers and the medical examiner who attended the scene were initially puzzled by the rapidity and scale of the killings, and considered the possibility that more than one person had been responsible for the crime. During his time in jail, Ronald DeFeo has given several accounts of how the killings were carried out, all of them inconsistent. In a 1986 interview, he claimed that his mother was responsible for the shootings, which was dismissed as "preposterous" by a former Suffolk County official.

    On November 30, 2000, Ronald DeFeo met with Ric Osuna, the author of The Night the DeFeos Died, which was published in 2002. According to Osuna, DeFeo claimed that he had committed the murders with his sister Dawn and two unnamed friends "out of desperation". He claimed that after a furious row with his father, he and his sister planned to kill their parents, and that Dawn murdered the children in order to eliminate them as witnesses. He said that he was enraged on discovering his sister's actions, knocked her unconscious on to her bed and shot her in the head. It has been reported that during the original police investigation, traces of gunpowder were found on Dawn's nightgown, indicating that she may have discharged a firearm. This line of inquiry was not pursued after Ronald DeFeo's confession.

    source: murderpedia

Titel "Road To Beelzebub"
Material, Technik Mischtechnik | Wacom Intuos Pro Grafiktablett | auf spezialbeschichtete Leinwand | Unikat
Format 260 cm x 100 cm x 2 cm
Jahr, Ort 2014/15

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