• wer kennt grupo batik art?

  • Tanja Niegsch
    wer kennt grupo batik art??
    hallo! Habe eine E-Mail bekommen von der Grupo batik Art. Für 450,-Euro soll ich bei einer Gruppenustellung in Spanien 3m Wandfläche für Bilder bekommen. Hat schon mal Jemand von dieser Grupo Batik Art gehört? Mir kommt das schon etwas "spanisch" vor.
  • Habe gestern auch eine mail von denen bekommen und nähere angaben gefordert.bisher wahren mir die nicht bekannt... mal schauen was daraus wird.
  • Mo Häusler
    *breitgrins* wieviel seid ihr bereit zu zahlen für ein dürftiges Stückl Wand mit nebulosen Kollegen in unbekannter Umgebung?
    Vielleicht könnt ich euch ein schwaches Plätzchen im Atelier freiräumen, damit hätte ich meine Miete drinnen.

  • kiluga
    450 € hihi. holt man doch locker aus dem sparstrumpf.. aber dafür könnte ich euch auch mein schaufenster ca 5m länge mitten in der innenstadt anbieten.. hier ist es zwar nicht so warm aber dafür die anreise näher..hihihi
  • Erwin Moser
    Hier ein Text aus einem Internet-Forum, zum Thema:

    I am an artist and I warn you against the Batik Art Group of Barcelona (Miami and San Francisco)....
    First, the Gallery will tell you that the artistic department of the Batik Art Group have visited your web page
    and due to it has seen in it, you are invited (selected by the Artistic Department) to participate in one of their
    exhibitions in Barcelona. But you have to pay for that, more or less $400 for 2 lineal meters and $800 for 6 lineal meters.

    There is no artistic department and no selection at all, it is an automatic research from a computer.

    After the exhibition, the Batik Art Group will tell you that one (or more) of your paintings is sold but
    they still have to get the money from an alleged client. You will also be advised by the "artistic department"
    that you have been selected for a new contract at special conditions because the art critic and the feeling of the public
    about your work is very good (you are talented!). You must pay (again) a fee to have "the privilege" of participating
    in some exhibitions in Miami, Barcelona and other international exhibitions. Their promises will never be achieved.
    It is just a trap ! The price of the fee for this new contract will depend on the price of your paintings "sold".
    If you agree and there is a difference between the money the Group Batik owes you for the sale of your paintings and the fee of the contract, you have to pay. If more, you must pay them again. There is no client at all ( the client is only the Batik Art Group and they try to "buy" your paintings through clearing). After the clearing the Batik Art Group can sell a second time the painting to a real client and keep, this time, 100% of the sales. So, their profits are double: For one they take the money from the artists up to the maximum they can. For the second hand they keep 100% of the sales of paintings sold to real clients. If you refused the proposed contract, the Batik Art Group will advise you that the client has changed his mind. They take no risk to lose money and it will be very, very, very difficult for you to get your paintings back if you are not living in Barcelona because they will do nothing for that. Moreover, it is very difficult to speak English to anybody when you get problems.

    Be careful, JUST SKIP IT ! REJECT ALL PROPOSITIONS FROM THE GRUPO BATIK ART of BARCELONA MIAMI OR SAN FRANSISCO. Please, send this advice to all the artists you know.

    Und noch ein Link:

  • Andrea Mora
    mir haben diese leute schon 6 mal geschrieben...
    wenn du genug kohle hast und barcelona
    besuchen möchtest...warum nicht.
    aber mehr erwartungen solltest du an
    einer ausstellungen in der batic art
    group nicht haben.
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