Gabriela Bättig


aus Luxemburg

Über mich

About the Artist

Gabriela Bättig was born on september 26th 1990 in Honlulu, Hawaii. She paints and draws for as long as she can remember. The oldest drawing she owns is a simple drawing of her little brother - she was two and a half years old when she drew it.

Her career as an artist started with her 18th birthday. Her colorful works have found great receptions among many artists and have been used for music covers and theater productions ever since.

Fantasyworlds, almost surrealistic, and in depth visual analyses of the human mind are known as her signature. The powerful colors, the symbolic Landscapes and the emotional Scenes speak to us in a suprisingly touching way. Her Portraits are expressive and her dreamlike worlds awaken a fascination of the unknown. Familiar landscapes appear in uncommon colors and suddenly host plants and animals that don't belong there. A desert becomes an underwater landscape and an impressive octopuss wraps his tentacles around monument valley.
Her works look as if she stopped time during a sunset und turned physical laws upside down. As unusual the dreamscapes are, as dark and overwhelming they can be - their fascination draws us into them.

Gabriela talks five languages and understands two others. Her international background, the native southamerican roots of her argentine mother and the swiss tradition of her father are part of the cultural awareness and acceptance that marks her works.
Her inspirations include the works of H.P. Lovecraft, the landscapes of her home island Hawaii and even reach into the deep mythologies of several religions and cultures.

Gabriela studies psychology in Luxembourg and is still actively working on more exhibitions. As a freelancer she works in the support and assistence of inmates and engages in raising social awareness of eating disorders.

"Wie oft seid ihr in meinen Träumen gesegelt. Und nun kommt ihr in meinem Wachen, das mein tieferer Traum ist." - Khalil Gibran


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Bisher: 569.748 Kunstwerke,  2.053.826 Kommentare,  456.583.024 Bilder-Aufrufe
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